
  • 作者
  • #2059
    Thanks so much for the warm welcome, Ryan!
    Hello, Cappottorosso! It's a pleasure to meet you! Sounds like you and I are in a similar boat; I discovered I have a passion for drawing a few years ago and did it off and on for fun, and I just decided recently that I want to be a comic artist. I'm thrilled to have found this site and community to help me improve! And again, I'm so glad to meet you! :)

    I'm going to get a Tumblr set up in the next week or two. As soon as I do, I'll be sure to look at yours!
    Great, I'm so glad you found a way to make it work!
    Hi, everybody! I'm new here. This challenge is such a great idea! I'd love to join in!

    I'm going to be ambitious and do Hard Mode. I'm an aspiring comic artist and I've never done gesture drawings before, so I want the practice. Plus it'll be cool to look back at my old drawings a year from now and see how I've improved!

    EDIT: I tried to upload the gestures I did today and couldn't figure out how. The Photo button asks me to type in a URL, so I'm assuming that I can only upload pictures that have been posted online?
    Oh, well.
    @jonjabisch: Are you using Internet Explorer as your browser? I emailed the staff about this issue, and they said that this error primarily occurs with the Internet Explorer browser. They released a patch to fix it in January, and said it's possible that my computer still has an older version of the tools saved on it.

    Try clearing your browser's cache and refreshing the page. (It didn't work for me, but maybe it'll work for you.) If that doesn't work, try switching browsers. I tried Firefox (which is free and safe to download) and the Draw tools work for me now!

    I hope this helped you!
    I am having the exact same issue.