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  • #2254
    I echo the comment above. Find 3 cartoons with different styles that you love and try to recreate that style. Even look at 3 more cartoons that you hate! This will help you find what you like/don't like about how people stylize expressions, and create your own style. Sometimes I'll even get a mirror and make some silly facial expressions myself, and try to draw them.
    It really depends on what the makeup of the courses are. The first one sounds a bit better though, if you're looking at animation. Also, if you don't get into one of the big schools, don't be discouraged! There are tons of other programs out there and you can still be a well established artist/art maker without attending a big school. It's all about your work, and even how well the faculty works with you as an undergrad. Plus there are so many people that I know, who attend a smaller school first, and then go onto a bigger school for graduate school. (Speaking as someone who is finishing up my undergrad and couldn't afford any of the bigger schools).