June 19, 2018 11:18pm #2550June 19, 2018 11:16pm #2549Hi! I think these look really good! I especially like the top 3-the pony, mouse, and mouse paw. You seem to have a style, something I struggle with and kinda wish I had :) I like it very much. The last drawing, anatomy wise, seems off. the knee on the left leg (left on the paper, not the subject's left) is off, and the lower thigh area on the right one as well.
When you say you find it hard to do a complete drawing in 10 minutes-if you start out with very very simple sketchy lines for everything, that may help? Rather than spend a lot of time on one part of the subject and get really detailed with it, you could do a general sketch of the entire form.
Very nice!1June 17, 2018 11:40pm #536Hi all! Did some water life tonight :) Any comments/critiques are welcomed and appreciated-and Happy Fathers Day to any Dads /single moms out there!
June 12, 2018 10:20pm #535I haven't drawn anatomy in a long time. My proportions are whacky in the 30 sec...and the 5 minutes look forced, very unconfident. ugh All critiques are appreciated, thanks
June 12, 2018 9:16pm #534I didnt sketch this weekend and feel guilty about it :( I want to make sure I draw every day, and only 5 days in I failed! I did sketch yesterday but forgot to post it-and I am off to sketch for today RIGHT NOW. Need to just get back on that horse! All critiques welcomed, thanks!
***Quick question-would it be easier to get comments/critiques if I used only one thread and posted on it daily? Or do a new thread each day? I really appreciate the feedback I've gotten, and I want to make it as easy as possible for those giving feedback-and thanks again!***
June 12, 2018 9:12pm #2539@fluffynubkin thanks very much! I did a quick search of "ostriches and dinosaurs" lol google came back with news that now dinosaurs are believed to have been feathered :) You are definitely right-I need to use more 3d shapes, ie barrels, cubes, etc in my sketches for volume for sure, thankyou!
June 12, 2018 9:09pm #2538Hi! I really like how loose and fluid these feel, very nice! They do seem a bit blurry to me though-that makes it a bit hard to really see them well. I need to do some human anatomy poses, I've been doing animals lately :)
1June 7, 2018 9:52pm #529Hi :) Super busy day so I didnt get to spend as much time sketching as I wanted. Well that is every day lol. But only did 30 sec drawings and 2 minute drawings. Any comments appreciated! TIA!
PS Ostriches have really weird looking feet! never noticed before! They almost look like human skeleton feet
June 7, 2018 9:19pm #2524Hey Kim,
Thanks! I'm off to try some birds now I think :)
Thanks on the NaN:NaN thing, I actually forgot to ask about that! I wroteit down to remember but forgot anyway....
June 6, 2018 9:58pm #528After getting some awesome feedback (thanks again Kim!) I'm trying to not care that my 30 and 60 sec cats dont look a thing like cats -its hard lol! And my 5 minute sketches stink as well. oh well. Just gotta keep on going, every day :) I wrote on each image the time i used, and I tried to draw what I felt was the line of action a bit darker.
Any comments/critique appreciated! Thanks!
June 6, 2018 4:05pm #2517Thanks so much Kim! It's kinda funny that I didnt do that (find the line of action) and yet, that is the name of the site...!
I will definitely sketch in class mode next time-I did some drawings this morning but before I read this, so, pretty much ignore those lol
Off the read the link you left me too :)
Thanks again, I really appreciate all the time you put into reviewing my sketches!
BarbJune 5, 2018 9:09pm #2513
Hi Kim!
Thanks for replying so fast!
yay, I really dont wanna sign up for another site (ie photobucket etc) but would if needed :)
1) how do I begin my sketches-I actually kinda look at the reference for a bit first. Probably not the best thing :( and then I try to block in the large shapes that I see. So on the horses, like a barrel shape for the chest/belly, an enlongated triangle for neck, ovals for butt.
2) my underwork looks like the above -scribbly large shapes to block off the big parts. then I try to find landmarks to make sure my proportions are ok etc. I'm trying to use my ipad more so stuff is on layers.
3)time...hm, all of them I guess about 30 minutes total probably? I didnt time myself, I should have :(
June 5, 2018 7:43pm #527Hi! Brand new here, appreciate all the great reference photos!
So, need to practice more, I'm rusty-these look stiff to me-any suggestions? I want to be able to depict the essence of the movement, gesture, etc before getting all caught up in details.
Also-***Is it ok to post here from my IG? I tried just posting my photo itself but I couldnt get it to work, if this is not ok, can someone tell me the correct way to post, thanks so much!***
https://www.instagram.com/p/BjoJRHBFv9j/?taken-by=barbwiredlife -