
  • 作者
  • #72

    Hey, emm, I'm NessyNoinex and yesterday I discovered this wonderful site. I hope I can learn a lot from here, I've already seen a lot of useful advice and I want to practice them.
    (Well, first of all I should say that I'm not English of birth so maybe I can commit errors without noticing. Anyway, you can point them, it will help me to correct them).
    Well, let's go back to the prior problem: I suck at drawing bodies. I just draw "adventure time" bodies, which I don't really like because I want to improve and draw more realistic ones. So I started with this practice tool to draw figures but... I don't want to see nude models, but if I look at the ""decent" models", I feel like I'm not going to improve because their bodies are covered with clothes .
    What do you thing is best for me? Try to sketch nude models or try other ways?
    Thank you everyone.