
  • 作者
  • #3283

    First of all I'd recommend trying a softer pencil, if you haven't already. Your lines look a little labored. If you're going mechanical, Neox graphite is the smoothest stuff on the planet. (And gets down to 4B on .5mm)

    I'm digging your construction on your longer practices. I'd recommend incorporating that constructive style-- drawing through the figure to explore the shapes in 3D-- in your shorter gestures.

    Also, I'd recommend biting the bullet and just drawing like ten big sheets of feet studies. Of all the non-face parts of your longer figures, you seem to avoid feet the most. Just getting some foot-focused studies done would dramatically help you draw them, since you seem to already have a strong habit of simplifying forms. Hands are looking good though!

    Keep it up, these are very nice to look at.
