
  • Art 230 Figure Drawing

    40 members

    Timed Gesture Studies and more...


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  • 1 month warriors

    34 members

    For Beginners and Advance Artis lets be warriors for our own creativity, For one month I would like to draw anything and everything no matter the length of time, just consistently draw everyday!. "HABITS ARE NOT BUILT BY THE AMOUNT OF TIME YOU SPEND...BUT BY HOW CONSISTENTLY YOU PRACTICE THEM."

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  • Procrastinators

    8 members

    We will try not to procrastinate but probably still will. It's inevitable

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  • Stadko 2.0

    11 members

    A group for sad art students who lost their atelier privileges xD


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  • Kim's Test

    17 members

    This is a test group that I am creating to try things out. You are welcome to join, but know it will be deleted soon enough.


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  • JILU

    1 member


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  • draw the world

    5 members



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  • I'm Korean

    2 members

    한국인이 나밖에 없을 경우... 혼자 공부하기,, ㅠ



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  • Mexico artistico

    11 members

    este grupo es para compartir trabajos, dar consejos y criticas. Es un grupo para los hispanos que practican y tienen dudas, podemos compartir trucos y consejos para que todos podamos avanzar en el bello arte del dibujo ya sea que recién inician o que ya tienen experiencia para ayudarnos mutuamente.

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  • the lost canvas

    2 members

    En este grupo hablamos español

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  • Plume de glandeur

    1 member

    Deux potes qu'y veulent s'ameliorer en dessin, hésitez pas a rejoindre si l'envie vous en prends

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  • représente la France

    3 members

    French looking for other French with a goal to reach to be able to talk about it, discuss our progress. Everyone and welcomed with joy!


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  • Figura Humana

    2 members

    10 pose por dia durante 570 dias


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  • ArtAtack BR

    2 members

    Grupo criado com base em um outro grupo que já existe com artistas do twitter.

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  • grupo valara nausicaam

    2 members



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  • prinsipiantes

    5 members

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