Pencil & wash sketch 2 model A

by Dave S, July 21st 2022 © 2022 Dave S

18th July 2022

Rotting Daises

flow and porportions look amazing, but to take it a step foward try putting more expression in the face and hands!


I like the way you shade the body with the orange and black.
The arms do not look totally right yet. The rest has good shapes, so maybe put more focus on the arms

Kcalixto (unregistered visitor)

Hey! Nice drawing!!!

Buuut, i may suggest you to put more time drawing cubes and spheres so you can get a greater view of 3D models. Even easier things, like squares, can be reeeeeally hard to make a reliable 3D!! What do you think???

Hope it may help you, bye!

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