Gesture 1 min poses

by Jlara215, December 21st 2023 © 2023 Jlara215
Trying to understand the process of finding the gesture without looking to deep into it and letting go of trying to get the "perfect" outline. Any advice/critique is greatly appreciated. Thank you, JL
Aunt Herbert
Try to focus on ribcage/shoulders and hips as hard as possible. Once you got them figured out, the rest is smooth sailing in comparison.
thank you,

will definitely practice that more

I appreciate your advice

Polyvios Animations
Hello again.

Greatest jobs on your range of flexibility, elasticity, and furthermore, plasticity in your torsos and torso shapes. Yet these have been way too stiffest, rigidest, and fearful to me yet. Would you like to please draw with most loosest, longest, and liveliest lines with 17 minutes of 19 second poses?

Let's hope you've found these completely and totally practical. Thank you 😊

