5 min charcoal study

by Jlara215, January 17th 2024 © 2024 Jlara215
Any critique/feed back is appreciated! Thank you! JL
Thank you for sharing.

Great work !

- The pose is mastered. The torso looks good, chest and boobs are well drawn. Arms are well detailed.

- I think the right leg (the one below the other one), is a little to big compared to the other, I thought she had the knee folded.

- The neck seems a little big (but maybe it is the angle and the model and it is normal) feels like trapezoids are melted wit the neck.

Keep going !
Thank you for the feedback!

i definitely see what you mean on the right leg, again thank you

Polyvios Animations
Hello, Jlara215.

Greater job on your use of charcoal to fully illustrate your lines of action and rhythm and forces over your spaces in your above mentioned figure. However, I'm not getting enough of the more spontaneous but fully gutsier quality to that drawing. Would you care to go ahead with 6 minutes of 2 minute poses in the nude, with carbon pencil(even if I haven't tried that pencil already).

The reason why is because to make your figure studies less stiffer but more dynamic, energetic, fluider, and flowing. For more info, kindly look into the Figure Drawing book by George Bridgman, to help you warm yourself up.

My hat's off to you!

