Love the gestures you got going. They look pretty clean and well thought out, your process at this point is pretty well refined, there are a lot of little things I want to copy lol.
Now I think you could work on some of your proportions. Some of the legs feel too short, shoulders feel to broad. Technically they could actually be accurate, but they are really messing with the feel and flow of the gesture. Its what's giving it them a slightly bloopy feeling.
Your using the line of action pretty well, but sometimes you break them apart and move them a little in order to match the anatomy a little. For example in figure 1, the center line of the chest looks like flows down to his left leg, but you redrew the line on his leg with a curve in order to match the anatomy better. If you had followed the line of action all the way to the bottom of his foot, you may have been able to percieve and adjust his stance a little sooner.
Another example is on figure 2, the lady on the floor leaning on her arms. The line of action could have went from her jaw down her back, or from the top of her shoulder down her back. Its a harder pose, so its completely understandable. Just remember to finish the rest of her limbs next time. Its important to finish the WHOLE figure before going into litle details.
Honestly just great work. You are at the point where its a lot of little adjustments to process, but you're doing great.