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  • #25508
    Well, zaex321123, I think you're on the really right track on your 2 minute robo-beans this round, I'll say, nicest job on it. But I've got one smallest critique: Why don't you draw some 1 minute robo-beans (5 of 'em, in 5 minutes) all flipped vertically, then flipped horzontally, and later; flipped horizontally, and vertically at the same time, pretty please? Why?? Because your robot-beans will become the least stiffest, and the most strongest, solidest, fluidest, and liveliest yet. Hope you'll find it extremely and totally useful and essential.

    Polyvios Animations
    Dear Kim,

    Just wanted to know, how’s the 1.5 hour class mode going? We’re just dying to see it!!

    Polyvios Animations
    Wow! Nice work on all your sketches, Poyoline. Greatest job on capturing vitality on your 15 second sketches; greater job on your 30 sec doodles, and a really, totally great job on your 5m and 10 min drawings; more than that, I see a little bit of your two thirty-minute class modes. Thanks, Poyo!! Yet I've got one small favor: I love your feeling and sense of humor of your 15s and 30s scribblings, but, why don't you go for one 60s (1m) sketch, pretty please?? Because, your figure doodles will become less stiffer, and more solider and fluider, if that's your truer, realer goal. Hope it sure will help.

    Polyvios Animations
    Nice job on your topic, but, would you like to show us some of your latest drawings you're working on, pretty please? Because, we'll know exactly what you're asking for. Hope you'll find it totally helpful.

    Polyvios Animations
    Nice job on your cat sketches, Eeveecat1248, nice job on your trial. But I've got one small request: If you haven't done the interactive tutorial already, why don't you do it, pretty please? Why?? Because it'll help you with a few things: 1) It'll help you loosen up on your line quality, and 2) You'll get a much, much, superior idea and energy that you can apply into your animal drawings. Won't you do it for us, pretty please??

    Polyvios Animations
    Nice job on your 3 weeks of figure sketches, Muralis. Nice job, indeed! But my critique is: just by looking at your weeks in that order, and I must say, that you're getting a whole lot better, in terms of line quality, and in terms of shape and space quality.

    Fast forward to your emulations of Glen Vilppu, and where your comfort levels are on it, and, that's OK if you're not currently comfortable with his approach. Why? Because, there are a lot of different styles and approaches to gesture sketching. And it's great that your trying them out, but I've got one more small request: I believe you're doing a great job on your 10 second warm ups, because, though you're not comfortable with it, if it was under Vilppu, you'd be really greater with doing 2 more 10 sec drawings, because you'll get to the most broadest strokes at this moment.

    Hope you'll find it extremely and totally useful on your next posts.

    Keep up the great work,

    Polyvios Animations.
    Nice work on your 30 minute classes, Kyr-kun-chan. Great job! But I've got one smallest request: Why don't you do your first ever 10 minute drawing on your figure studies, pretty please? Why?? Because, your rendering of the human figure will be the least stiff, and most solid, fluid, and lively. Won't you find it beneficial?

    Polyvios Animations
    Nice job posting, iwilldoit. Nice job, but I've got one even much more smallest request: Why don't you do a practice session of figure sketches at 31 seconds each, pretty please? The reason why you could do this is because you'll be even much most confident in your gestures and get more funnier drawings that way. Hey, why don't you do some 30 second sketches based on some drawings by Franquin? So if you drew some studies of Franquin, you'll learn much more about drawing funny. Can you do that pretty, pretty please?

    Polyvios Animations
    Well, Romi, for lack of a better word, what is your current goal for this evening? What are you trying to get out of, from your tracings?

    Hope you'll find this helpful.
    Idea: Why don't you do some figure proportions, in 30 seconds, please? It's not meant to be for the final product, but, it's just practice.
    Nice job on your typed post, Jowey. But, aren't you gonna show us a visual example of what you're working on right now, pretty please??
    Hello, Sampster, Welcome aboard, I'm Polyvios. Nice to meet ya.
    I don't know, Kim, but I'm really new to this group discussion.

    But, how can I make my gesture drawings innately drawn funny?

    I'm looking a future topic here.

    Polyvios Animations.

    P.S. Thanks for the discussion.
    Sorry about the news, Kim the Moderator, but we students have all the rights to information to figure studies, particularly nude; not just that, but all other kinds of sketching in general in your website, too. Don't look at your inbox. They're just from a bunch of freaks who want drawing nude figure studies dead and gone. Line of Action forever!!

    Polyvios Animations

    P.S. Keep up your moderation till your moderator recovers fully.