Forum posts by Kim

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  • #2580


    Hi arcline1,

    Because so many people have historically used the tools without having accounts, we're not linking fundraising donations to any particular account right now. What will happen is, once the new features are built, we'll be emailing out codes to backers, which they can apply to an existing account, a new account, or even give to a friend (or perhaps family member who is on their way to art school?)

    So you'll have the opportunity shortly to link your benefits to this account or some other of your choosing. :) Hope that answers your question!



    Hi! If we meet our fundraising goals that will allow us to finally shoot our own photos instead of relying on the types of poses photographers want to shoot and donate on their own, we will definitely have more "casual" poses. :)



    What length of time did you do these in?

    You may be trying to do too much in too short a length of time, and thus missing some of the fundamental focusing benefits of gesture drawings:

    You don't need to produce a perfect or even "readable" sketch when doing a gesture drawing. These are warmups and practice exercises, not fine art you're going to display. Pick one small goal for each little practice window, such as "capture the line of action" or "capture the angle of the head against the angle of the torso using only two lines."

    Save perfecting proportions for longer sessions, and aim to really see your reference as a whole, and record what you notice about its "flow" with a few confident strokes.



    What program are you talking about? You are free to draw with pencil and paper.



    We don’t offer image uploads right now, but never fear. Simply use an image upload service like Imgur, Photobucket, Imageshack, tinypic, Imagesafe, or any other. Most allow you to create a free account.

    Then, once you have uploaded your image and have a url for it, use this tag to embed the image on our forums:

    [ img ][/ img ]

    (Take the spaces out from the img tags)

    Make sure that the link ends in a valid image filename, like .png, .gif or .jpg



    That is thrilling to hear! So far I'm not seeing NaN:NaN anymore since that patch, but I'll keep my eyes and ears open. :)



    Don't beat yourself too much about missing a day! Just feel good about how quickly you got back on the horse. :)

    I would use the same thread if I were you -- it will make it easy for all of us to see your goals and your progress over time! :)



    Releasing a patch regarding the "too fast timer"... fingers crossed! Please let me know if this performs better for you tomorrow.

    Still looking at the NaN:NaN bug you also mentioned (I'm pretty sure this is what the NA-NA-NA you referred to was.) :)



    Thank you, this is VERY helpful!



    We've gotten reports that a minority of people are experiencing an error where the timer suddenly goes too fast, turning 30 seconds poses into 10 second poses.

    So far, I haven't been able to reproduce this error, which means it's nearly impossible to track down and fix. So I'm calling for more help from our community! If you've seen this error, I'm very hopeful you can help me narrow down how to recreate the bug and thus solve it, by answering the following questions for me:

    1. What kind of computer or device do you use?
    2. What browser do you use?
    3. Do you use an browser plugins or extensions? If so, which ones?
    4. Does the problem happen every time, or only sometimes? What actions do you take before it seems to start, if any? For example, maybe you skipped an image or unpaused just before seeing this error happen?

    Thanks for any insights you can provide! :)



    So far, I've been having a lot of trouble getting Alipay working with our contribution software. Still trying though...



    I'm really glad you like the site!

    We don't have Alipay at the moment, but I'm definitely looking into it. :)



    If you don't already have a specific focus, I would start with 30 minute classes every day, following this guide:

    Gesture basics #1: Line of action
    Gesture basics #2: Head, ribcage and pelvis
    Gesture basics #3: Joints

    And also keep this practice philosophy in mind as you go:

    Keep us posted on your progress! :)



    @TDG - unfortunately, I'm not able to find any clues what browser or device you're using from Googling that version number. Is there any chance of you upgrading to a more recent browser?

    @gizmalley - brilliant to hear!