Forum posts by Kim

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  • #2462


    Wooo! May have broken through that pesky compile issue. :D



    OP updated again.

    I'm working like crazy on getting this next patch out; my goal is to release it before the end of the month. Stuff that I'm 90% sure will be included in that patch:

    * Make pause dialogue less disruptive.
    * Break messages need to be updated to include the exact recommended break length, instead of just showing it in the “time left” timer.
    * Break messages should not advance the photos.
    * In the animals section when you click “Only show live animals” it says no images fit this criteria.
    * Better image pre-loading, so you don’t waste precious drawing seconds waiting for an image to load.

    I may also be able to squeeze in the ipad/safari resizing issue. We'll see. Right now, struggling with one odd compile issue that's slowing me down ATM and making it hard to estimate an exact date and to know what else I'll be able to cram in. Will keep you posted as I break through that blocker!

    For future reference, there's also a wee bit of info about what happened over the last year here:



    Definitely a great start! Great idea to work on improving over the summer.

    I would also add to the comments people have already posted, when you ARE ready to move on to shading, you do not appear to have the control over your pencil needed to produce a variety of subtle shades (although that may just be a bad scan.)

    A simple exercise you can do pretty much anywhere, even while riding the bus, is to draw some boxes on a piece of paper and then try to fill every box with a different shade from your pencil, from lightest to darkest. See how many boxes you can still get a different shade into! There's actually a downloadable workbook for this exercise you can get by signing up for our mailing list, too. :)



    Most of my instructors over the years have had a no eraser on exercises policy, for exactly the reasons you described - it shows you where you went wrong, and helps to teach you not to second guess and slow yourself down. Exercises are, after all, just that. It's okay if the mistakes stay in them. :)

    I've had numerous instructors say something along the lines of "(s)he who erases most, wins" when it comes to work that's going to be "finalized." Of course, a lot of my instruction was in scientific illustration...



    Thanks! :D Glad to be back!



    Safari on iPad?



    That said; please do let me know what kind of tablet you're using, as some of them do work and I need to be sure I'm testing with the correct setup ;)



    Hello all! Kim here, Site Admin and creator of Line of Action.

    I wanted to apologize to the community for going MIA this past year. My workload just got so high I was almost entirely unable to work on the personal projects that I love, this site included.

    I have made the decision to go to working half time in order to spend more time on this and other sites; Line of Action is a high priority for me, and I have missed it dearly.

    My first order of business is to address the known bugs that have been allowed to exist in limbo for far too long, chief among them the resizing problems for tablets, the black screen bug that lingers for certain browsers, and getting the pause button to stop blocking your view of the images.

    Once those basics are addressed, I have big plans to expand and upgrade the tools in a myriad of ways.

    Thank you for bearing with me. I've missed you!




    There's not just a chance, there's pretty much a guarantee we're going to fix it! :)

    I found that my workload was too high last year to be able to work on side-projects like this one; I have recently gone down to half-time specifically to get back to building stuff that I personally love, with this site being high on that list. As of this week, I'm finally able to once again work actively on it.

    We're definitely not going back to the old tools, as they were problematic for even more people. But tablets will be getting some love as we move forward. :)



    Hi Foxtrot! What type of computer and browser are you using? The photos are meant to automatically resize to be full screen.



    Yes, that's the same issue. I have a patch meant to address it, but have not had a chance to install yet. Sorry about that! :(



    Looking good! How do you feel about them? What is your takeaway for your next practice session? :)



    Hi there! Can you let me know what kind of tablet you're using, and the browser that you use on that tablet?



    Hi MishuB,

    Accounts that have never been used are deleted every four weeks or so.

    By "never used," we mean no forum posts or comments on news posts have been left by that account. This is the definition for "use" right now because there is currently no other use for accounts (login is not required to use any of the tools, and no information regarding your usage of the tools is recorded to your account - though this may change at some point in the future, as many people have requested progress goals and badges). This policy has helped us to eliminate tens of thousands of spammer accounts, decreasing the load on our database and the number of spam posts that get stealth posted by accounts that sit for months before becoming activated for that purpose.

    If you HAVE been posting on the forums, then this is a big issue, please let me know about it! But if this is your first post, then simply by asking this question your account should stick around now. ;)



    Thanks countfrogula! That is precisely what I was going to say. :)