Forum posts by Kim

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  • #31811


    I do not see what you mean. I have asked you to please stop responding to the spam bots; there is no chance they will ever respond to you or stop being spam bots, and it just creates more work of things I have to delete.



    Because sometimes I actually take a weekend away from the computer and they take advantage whenever I rest.



    We're doing the best we can to keep 'em out on the technology we have right now. We filter thousands per day, but some get through every day and me or Sanne have to clean them up once or twice a day. I'm hopeful that the summer rebuild project will give us more tools to handle them than we have now.



    No image is weighted heavier than any other. I think this is indeed just weird luck of the draw stuff.



    Oh dear, thanks so much for catching that. I think I've fixed it -- you may need to do a few refreshes on a reply page to get the fix :)



    This has become much more likely this year than it was all those years ago :)



    Just wanted to add: I'm sorry there seems to be missing time for you. It's probably late in the game to figure out what happened there, but hopefully we can keep an eye on it in future and see if we can figure out what happened when you notice time wasn't logged while you were logged in.



    I'll definitely keep this in mind for the summer! :)



    Potentially good news: The way you suggest is how the logging has worked since launch. It is not tied to the end screen (except, perhaps, the specific badge for completing a class of a certain length) - actual practice times are sent in after each photo. They can't be recorded to your account if you're not logged in, your internet connection isn't working, you've been logged out in another window, etc. But that's how it works.

    I'll definitely look into making the tutorial skippable :)



    Sorry about that, try clicking on it now?



    There's no such rule, but they may have taken it as a rhetorical question meant to be a compliment?



    In the last month loging in was so difficult ( it took immense time until pages showed up) that I constantly went in without loging. It only appeares with this side. I would love to log in faster.

    I'm super sorry to hear about that! Thank you for the heads up.



    It'd be cool to have a way to upload our own pictures, and use those for private practice! I have a few pictures that i'd love to add to my rotation.

    This is actually an existing premium feature! I do think it needs a bit of a facelift and expansion though :)



    I'll add this to my list of ideas to consider when I work on a big update this summer! :)



    One day definitely isn't enough for something to change! :)

    Animators use the line of action to exaggerate character movements a LOT! I studied animation in college quite a bit - for awhile it was my major - and line of action techniques was something they had us practicing all the time (thus why I named the website that!)

    The short warm up practices, like the 30 seconds, are meant to force you to take in the big picture of the drawing and record as much info as you can about it in as few strokes as possible, rather than getting lost in interesting details. A HUGE number of proportion problems come from artists going too granular too fast, so training your mind to think first about an overall pose and not the little things like fingers or nose placement etc. will save you a shocking amount of grief in the long run.

    Did you do the tutorial that introduces you to the line of action exercises to do during the super short time frames?