Archive of all blog posts

Noticias y anuncios: Welcome to the next evolution of Line of Action

Welcome to the next evolution of Line of Action! Over the years, we've grown and changed together, but never so big a leap forward as today. And we're not done yet: although we're inviting you into the new site so you can begin enjoying what's being built right away, expect more major updates to arrive for the rest of September. Seguir leyendo

Noticias y anuncios: Site change-over scheduled

This is so exciting!! We are indeed going ahead with switching over to the new site THIS FRIDAY, September 7th. This is not a once-and-done upgrade. There will continue to be major improvements and features added to the site at a rapid pace for the rest of the month after this change-over. However, the rebuild is now in a state where it is safe to welcome users, and we'd like to let you enjoy all... Seguir leyendo

Noticias y anuncios: Site rebuild progress report #4

This last week progress was significantly slowed by an outbreak of bronchitis, but we still finished up some important features in between all the coughing: Achievement badges! There are about 35 achievements right now, and I'm sure we'll add more in the future. They range from community achievements, such as giving a certain number of helpful or encouraging critiques, to practice achievements... Seguir leyendo

Noticias y anuncios: Site rebuild progress report #3

Forgive the brevity of this report; I've crawled up out of the code mines to give you a weekly progress report before diving back in! Here are some of the major landmarks that have been hit in this last week of work: We buttoned up many e-commerce features, including automatic payments each month for subscribers. This is crucial to ensure the site is able to thrive going forward, and get the... Seguir leyendo