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Nouvelles et annonces: 31 days of "pay what you want" full membership

To help support those of you stuck inside during the COVID-19 pandemic, we are offering 31 days of "pay what you want" full membership. Full memberships allow you access to goal setting and tracking, achievement badges, more control over what images you see, unlimited image uploads and automatic critique requests, access to the Scenes and Environment drawing tool, and more. Continuer la lecture

Nouvelles et annonces: Maintenace complete for today, but we've got more ahead

Hi everybody, we managed to complete our maintenance work today without needing to take the site down. We did see a small increase in stability and had a more peaceful morning after maintenance, but are seeing things get rocky again as our numbers climb even further in the evening. So, there's still more work that needs to done over the next few days there's been a DRASTIC uptick in the number of people... Continuer la lecture

Nouvelles et annonces: Maintenance Warning

Hi all you lovely artists! Please be aware that there is planned maintenance for Monday morning, January 13th 2020. This will occur around 11am, Pacific Standard Time. There may be 10 to 20 minutes of down time, and you may be logged out afterward. We'll try to minimize the down time as much as possible. I'm hoping to address some of the issues we've been facing in the mornings, when some people can't... Continuer la lecture

À vos camarades: HornetOfJustice's practice journey

After seeing her inspiring practice-makes-progress regimen and her thoughtful, thorough critiques for other community members, it was clear to me that HornetOfJustice was a natural fit for rebeginning the fellow student series! I think you'll see why HornetOfJustice embodies #practicegoals - despite no formal education in art aside from "indifferent public school teachers" who may have done more harm than good, she has found a growth mindset that's allowed her to train herself, largely through online resources like Line of Action. Continuer la lecture