The face itself is super well done. Your lines emphasize natural shapes and depict clearly readable emotion
You avoided the trap that I constantly run into to overemphasize details, and you keep the different shades very distinct. Super clean brights, smooth transitions to shadows.
The eyelashes could possibly be more expressive with a bit more detail, and I would probably have chosen sharper lines around the iris and the light reflections inside. Eyes are just such a natural focus point for the viewer, a bit of extra bling there can improve the whole image a lot.
The neck looks quite spotty, like you ran out of gas drawing it. That's less a problem for the shoulders, were your decision to keep the texture somewhat abstract makes graphically sense and looks deliberate, but with the neck, especially the shadow right under the chin looks unfinished.
The hair isn't bad, but I would advise to get a bit more daring with it. First, you aren't under such pressure to measure correctly as when you depict the features of the face (if the nose is a half inch off, the face will look like a super mutant, if a hair quill is positioned differently, no one will ever notice), and second, healthy hair are shiny, so they have a lot of contrast between shadows, mediums and highlights. I always find it quite easy to get hair to pop really voluminous by chosing nice, simple, but wavy, shapes for the highlights and darkest shadows and then eyeballing the rest in.
On the other hand, the way you draw the hair looks more subdued, which has the benefit of leaving more prominence to the face itself, so it is ultimately a style choice.