inktober page 2
© 2018 LoveTheBic
2nd page of inktober.
I'd like to take this opportunity to try new inking techniques.
Howver with only half an hour to spare each day, this proves to be difficult.
Any suggestion on what I could improve on these drawings?
Can I turn it around and ask you -- what are you dissatisfied about in these drawings, if anything?
My advice would be to plan to do a deep dive into one or two of the techniques you've tried this month when inktober ends, so your trying of new things blossoms from "just" new experiences into deeper understanding and mastery of one of the new things you tried and enjoyed.
I think I'll try to learn more in depth subtle tonal shapes or how to render gazeous or watery things. They give me a hard time for now.
The drawings I'm dissatified with here are n°9 and 11. Not sure the tonal shapes are correct for the faces. I guess it's part of the learning process.