© 2021 Aunt HerbertAunt Herbert
Thanx, you just provided me with my training plan for the next two days. Let's hope my discipline holds.
Polyvios Animations
Great job on your contoured face and expression, AuntHerbert.
Well, if I could make an uppity nitpick, it would be that though the relationships are really sweller, but I'm not getting enough exaggerated edges and spaces. Would you care to do a blind contour drawing of a facial expression in 5 minutes?????
The reason why you could and would do this is because of: a) To get into the right side of your brain. And b) To help you caricature and exaggerate and satirize the lines, shapes and spaces of the faces. For more information, be sure to look up the book or ebook of the Kimon Nicolaides Book, The Natural Way to Draw. Get it for the blind contour drawing, please, but you don't have to follow its schedules.
Good luck, and I hope you've found these completely and totally beneficial and informative.
Well, if I could make an uppity nitpick, it would be that though the relationships are really sweller, but I'm not getting enough exaggerated edges and spaces. Would you care to do a blind contour drawing of a facial expression in 5 minutes?????
The reason why you could and would do this is because of: a) To get into the right side of your brain. And b) To help you caricature and exaggerate and satirize the lines, shapes and spaces of the faces. For more information, be sure to look up the book or ebook of the Kimon Nicolaides Book, The Natural Way to Draw. Get it for the blind contour drawing, please, but you don't have to follow its schedules.
Good luck, and I hope you've found these completely and totally beneficial and informative.