"Doodle or Something"

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Polyvios Animations il y a 3 ans.

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  • #27316
    On "doodle or something" was just for fun. Still I know there are the basic fundamentals to be done.

    Thank you for each critique shared on my submissions. Although I am reminded that I am stiff and boring.My goal is just to improve in figuratve drawing. No doubt it will enhance my work.

    Someday I hope to make my work pop.

    In appreciation,

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    I feel like you're getting somewhere, Hayunb97, and I think that you could and should work out on a concrete goal for yourself.

    Take for example, Drawabox.com, where it has lots of lessons on some drawing fundamentals. Here's a link here.

    The reason why you could, would and should do it, as long as you follow along the lessons there, you'll be able to get a whole lot better well and faster, even though that they'll be a bit too duller and too boring for you, but a little bit of consistency is worth it.

    Tip: I suggest you go thru lesson two, and practice with 5 minutes of 30 second studies and practices of the straight lines and more. Again, it's worth it.

    Good luck and my hat's off to you.

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