Messages du forum par Diane

  • Auteur
  • #2480

    Yay, it works!


    Yes, Safari.


    I'm using an iPad. Most images have the top and bottom cut off.


    Wow! That's great news!


    Computer? Who uses a computer for web browsing these days? :)

    Seriously though, this web site has been broken for tablets since the site was redesigned. Is there any chance of fixing it? I'd be willing to pay to support this website to put it back to the way it was.


    I also reported this awhile age, but got no reply. This website seems to be abandoned. The shame of it is: it used to work great. Then there was some kind of grand redesign of the site, which seems to have broken the site's primary purpose of figure drawing.


    I'm trying to use this website for figure drawing, but the images have half of the picture chopped off. I see a similar report here, but there was no response:

    This is the first time I've used this website in a while. It used to work fine, but I take it there was a redesign of the site a while back? It appears the redesign has rendered the site unusable on a tablet.