I seem to get the same three questions about the forums again and again, and I imagine that many of you out there are wondering the same things but have never taken the time to write. So today, here are the answers to your top questions about using the forums!
How do I post images on the forums?
Use this tag:
How do I add an avatar/icon to my forum account?
We use GRavatar (Globally Recognized Avatars). You can set one for your email address here:
https://en.gravatar.com/ and it will not only appear here, but on thousands of sites where you log in with that email address.
How do I change the password on my forum account?
- Login to the site with the password you were emailed.
- Where the login box used to be, you will see your username and avatar. Click either one. You will be taken to your profile.
- From the sidebar on the left, choose Edit.
- Scroll down to the Account section. Enter your desired password twice, into the two boxes labeled New Password.
- Click Update Profile.
Remember, the answers to these and other questions are always available on the
FAQ page!
Tz (unregistered visitor)
What should I do?
If the second one still doesn't work, send me a message through the contact form and we'll work on it some more together.