Hi, New to Forums, but been using pixelovely a while.

Home Forums Critique Hi, New to Forums, but been using pixelovely a while.

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    I haven't done any real drawing to speak of since August and went to open pixelovely this morning and it was gone :o I did a quick google search to see what happened and found it here. Wow, was I relieved.

    My name is Dennis and I am an artist dwelling in the retail world by day. I currently work as electronics department manager at my local Walmart.

    I started my art school years at Pratt Institute. I finished up my degree quite a few years later, when I was 25, at Stony Brook University. When I was 30 I took some computer art classes and fell in love with 3d art. I also have a certificate in computer aided drafting. In 2015 I started computer animation classes at Full Sail Online but left in 2016 to care for my dad who was battling cancer. He passed away in October unfortunately. I most likely will not be returning to Full Sail. But will continue doing artwork for sure. So here I am at the ripe ol age of 46 still fighting the good fight, trying to get myself drawing again.

    So here are a couple of my more "recent" works. The face and animal studies I did while at Full Sail. For those I use my xp-pen 22 inch tablet monitor. The dog drawing I did back in August. I did that one on my samsung tab a with s pen.




    Looking forward to participate in the boards here and get some drawing done.

    Oh, here's a link to my web page if anyone is interested in seeing more artwork: www.dennisborruso.com

    Thanks. Cheers.
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    Welcome to the site, Dennis!

    My condolences on the loss of your father, that must have been difficult to go through. :(

    I'm really digging your journey and passion for art however, and I like the sketches you've posted! There's never a time to stop learning either. :) Is there anything in particular you want to focus on in your art while you get back in the swing of things?
    Hi Sanne,

    Thank you.

    Not really sure what to focus on at this point in my journey with art. I want to find some way to incorporate my style of drawing and painting into my 3d art. I did find an interesting piece of software called polybrush. It's kind of like drawing in Photoshop with a pressure sensitive tablet but in 3d space. Maybe I can give some kind of figure drawing in it a go. Got tomorrow off work so might give it a shot.

    Here's a drawing I did the other day using a line of action photo as reference. I call it "tranquility now" (Seinfeld reference).

    My condolences too Dennis.

    It's great to see that you picked up drawing again. In my experience, drawing is a very relaxing activity. Do you experience it the same way?

    I took a look at your website and I liked your 3D art too. Keep up the nice work :)!
    I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your father. I know how difficult grief is to cope with, but like the others I agree that drawing is therapeutic and relaxing so it's great you are continuing to create.
    I love your style. Tranquility now is beautiful as is the dog, love the line directions giving the feel of fur.

    Great work. Lovely to see. I'm off to delete a few of my scribbles now..haha!!
    Hello Dennis !!

    I am glad you decided to keep working hard for what you really feel passionate about, I am just starting my journey in the arts field, but I could remind you one of the most interesting aspects of arts (for me at least) --the learning side of it-- .it is the duty of being always learning something new, and that is as tough as it is amazing, so, do not forget to study a lot, to keep your art senses fresh and growing, keep in mind that fundamental understanding of what you are trying to master, is key. I wish you an awesome and long journey and I will stay tuned to see you improvement over time. :)

    Cheers mate.

    And as a side note, I would like to know a little bit about your short expereince at Full Sail. Is that institution as expensive as I hve heard? and if so, Is it worth it?

    Thank you in advance.
    Hi Christian,

    Sorry so late getting back to the forum here. I been struggling with my 3d printer trying to get some decent prints out of it. I'm excited though, ordered a new Do It Yourself 3d printer kit to build a new better one.

    I agree, it is important to always be learning and growing, it's the spice of life, not just in art but everything.

    Full Sail was a nice experience, but yeah it's pricey. I only did the first foundation year so can't speak beyond that. A lot of drawing and 3d modeling. I was lucky to not have to take a lot of the core stuff because I already have a bachelor's and transferred over a lot of credits. I was constantly doing artwork and classes and online sessions with other students. I was really kept on my toes and pushed to try new things so in that regard it was very good. I am skeptical the courses are specific enough to land a great job in an animation studio though. They really teach a bit of everything but studios want a specific focus mostly as they are generally broke down into departments. It's a great generalist program, learn a lot. But way too expensive to become a generalist. I escaped with only 9k debt as I was granted a scholarship as well. So yeah, I will not be returning to full sail. I do not regret the experience though.

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