Forum posts by Choki

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  • #25875

    After someone said in my last post to try 30 Sg gesture drawings, I put my goal in that. Gonna say it was quite the problem at the beggining completing the drawings, but then got better. 20 days of drawings 50 gesture drawings per day. Ehh this ones are the best of the bunch. After doing this challenge I think I improved in my gesture drawings from imagination from 2 weeks ago. Now, I am gona try longer gesture drawings and learning anatomy, because I really have some problems doing gesture drawings that take longer than 1 min, because they look a lil more stiffy or the same that my shorter gesture drawings.


    I am gona try my best with the challenge you told me. I am in my fourth day doing the gesture drawings of 30 sc and I am doing 50 per day (could do more, but I have collegue activities that take me time). Some of this drawings of 30 sc are quite bad and some of them are more fluid. Trying not to get pessimist with some of this drawings that makes me want to smash my tablet.


    Thx man!!! But I didn't put the worst ones I did in my last session xD. But now from 10 figure drawings I get 4 that are good enough for me at least, before it was 1 or 0.


    I think that now my drawings are less stiff and I can see why... The problem that I now face is that I think my drawings are to plane. I mean its like my drawings are not so much 3d like I would want them to be and I think that is related to perspective or forms that I haven't practiced yet. I really want to learn how to draw faces, because the ones I keep drawing are almost all the same. Still, tought, I don't want to get to overwhelmed with all this subjects, because the more you learn the more you know how far you're from the point you want to get. Thx for the feedback.


    After putting my own goal of getting to 1000 gesture drawings I finally did it in 1 month. I am quite the procrastinator, so I am quite happy that I didn't quit for a single day during this period of time. I started from 0, because I am quite new to drawing in general and it's my first time trying to learn the basics or fundamentals of art. This 2 images have my gesture drawings of 1 min from when I started 4 weeks ago, and from my last session that ended today. I still have lots to learn, but maybe after drawing another 1000 more I will get better.


    After putting my own goal of getting to 1000 gesture drawings I finally did it in 1 month. I am quite the procrastinator, so I am quite happy that I didn't quit for a single day during this period of time. I started from 0, because I am quite new to drawing in general and it's my first time trying to learn the basics or fundamentals of art. This 2 images have my gesture drawings of 1 min from when I started 4 weeks ago, and from my last session that ended today. I still have lots to learn, but maybe after drawing another 1000 more I will get better.