Forum posts by Blue Dovey

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  • #29912
    Hello hello! It's very good to see you again! :D!!

    Ty a lot! I've been doing some side exercises for typical objects like cubes,cylinders and spheres since I'm breaking down the body into these parts, been rotating them a lot so far and hopefully I'll work on stretching them out and cutting them to make completely different shapes, I usually fill out one whole page of them whenever I'm able to just to help me out with future things like foreshortening and what not. But regarding those exercises you mentioned, I'll keep that In mind and hopefully try to fit it into my daily schedule! ;w; Your advice is greatly appreciated! ^u^
    Will do!! As I explained above to another user, these notebooks I bought were really pretty and it was just sitting there collecting dust for a long while. I don't wanna fill it up with college scribbles and the sort so i decided to turn them into sketchbooks, at least by then i'll be using them without having them out to rot away basically. But as soon as I finish with these I'll get to buying some sketchbooks, no worries! ^^

    OH!! No those were minicritiques I gave myself x'D I'm no professor nor art teacher and I don't have one currently either, since I'm still new to this stuff I figured I could give myself some critiques whenever I'm able to spot something off or not too accurate to the image i'm trying to draw ;w;. I don't always do this only If I'm doing longer sessions or the like where I have more free time to spot where I went wrong and how I could fix it!

    Ofc ofc! So far I've been doing alright with his videos and techniques but when I eventually hit a roadblock I won't hesitate to look for other artists for advice to see If I can vibe or help myself or not!

    I really appreciate what you've said! It helped put a smile on my face and I'm more than glad to hear that I managed to inspire you in the process ;U;! Good luck with your art and make sure to take breaks when able!! ^u^
    That's completely understandable! I currently have numerous small notebooks with lined paper that I bought long ago and just never fully used, it felt like a waste just leaving them empty so I decided to use them for gesture drawings! I'll fill out the remaining notebooks I have before I buy an actual sketchbook eventually.

    Tysm though!! I've been doing some hand studies from time to time, although it's not completely perfect atm but I'm indulging in that as much as I possibly could! My schedule does go something like this: Gesture drawing first, doing some shape studies (I typically fill out an entire page) and doodling a few poses from my imagination in any empty space I have left. I've been a bit busy lately but I'll try to increase the amount of drawings I make whenever I have some extra time on my hands ;w; thank you a lot though, I deeply appreciate it!! And no worries, I've been taking some of my time to do personal art here and there and not completely overwhelm myself with studies, Seeing how much I've Improved has been motivating me a lot to keep going and I don't plan to stop anytime really!

    Oh yes! I plan on doing that eventually but I suppose part of me has trouble visualizing a certain pose in different perspectives? I haven't yet worked on body construction and foreshortening Isn't one of my strongest capabilities atm. Any tips on how to approach drawing a pose in different views ? :0
    Hello Hello! I used to practice gesture drawing ever since the end of last year but college inevitably rendered me unable to keep going for a couple of months, back then my poses weren't great and i didn't have much knowledge on how to construct a proper basic skeleton for when it came to the human body. But recently I've been digging up some art videos and following along with the advice of each one (I'm only studying and improving with just one artist on yt and not overwhelming myself with many) and his videos have been a ton of help so far. So I'd like to see what you all think of my progress and if there's anything off I need to work on as well?
    I typically take 5 minutes just observing if I have a 10 minutes timer or more and deconstructing the pose in my head as I see it before I sketch. Would love to hear all about your opinions ;w;!
    I also have been trying to point out all the little faults and flaws i stumble across along with each pose just to keep it in mind for later improvement. ;w;

    The sketches in question are inside the link!
    Hi hi! tysm for your advice as well and the compliments too ^^;

    You're right- my poses have been really stiff since im mostly used to drawing really simple/static poses. Like someone standing while looking to the side or a simple sitting pose. I've noticed this a lot but never really figured out how to loosen it up. I'll follow your advice and try to make my drawings loosen up as much as i can during practice! Tysm for your help again! It really means a lot <3
    Hi hi!! tysm for the tips!! I struggle a lot with perfectionism as well but i do have more control with a tablet instead of paper ^^; i'll still try to follow your advice regardless and try to finish the poses as fast as i can!
    One thing i question tho- is it ok if they end up looking like those stick figures that i practiced with the line of action tutorial ? i still cant completely grasp if i should try to doodle the full pose correctly or just stick to that line of action method and just draw a rough idea of their pose (This is in regards to those 30 secs poses that i've been practicing).

    And another question- while the box method is a good idea of course, i still struggle with getting it right unless i download said picture and draw on top of it to get a rough idea of how big/small the boxes should be. What do i do in this case?
    Hello Hello! I recently joined this site today in hopes of improving my anatomy, i've been drawing for around 7-8 years but all this time i never really practicied from IRL photos so making any flowy/dynamic pose is a bit of a struggle tbh. I want to improve my figures but so far, figure drawing has been a bit difficult. i have problems with getting the proportions right sometimes, i either end up making something way too big or way too small unintentionally- a friend suggested i use the box method to help me with the proportions but with the short time i have on my hands regarding drawing figures in general it's not enough to use that method, should i just keep practicing and see where i end up or should i pause on each drawing to help study it further? Any help is appreciated ^^;

    (I also drew my proper figures from the first class tutorial i got and the line of action tutorial, i do have a struggle with the line of action as well honestly so any critiques or help is greatly appreciated)
    (here's the drawings in question.)