10m Nude Study (Critique Requested)

by Bunbijou, March 10th 2025 © 2025 Bunbijou
Done as part of a practice session with poses of 10 minutes in length. My current goal is: Develop my own signature drawing style (advanced)
Nice work! Did a great job grouping the shadow shapes and light shapes! For next time may I suggest a few things to consider! Focusing on one of these at a time might be more helpful! Developing these areas in your own way will help develop your own style! 

-Turning those lights and shadow groups into recognizable shapes (like squares, triangles or circular shapes) (a neat way to also do this is making those lights and darks only triangle shapes or only square shapes for example. Do what you think might be more fun! 

-Proportions: this ones tough but gets easier the more you do it. Compare different body landmarks to others (how far away is the belly button from each side of the hips, how long the arms are compared to the legs, where does the Center of the body land on this figure and so on and so on). It’s mostly just asking questions about where each body part should land relative to all other parts of the body. You can always play around and have fun with this too by exaggerating certain shapes! 

Shapes: like in the light and shadow shapes but apply it to the whole figure (one of the techniques I’m a huge fan of is starting the figure by drawing a simple shape the whole figure is making. In this case it’s pretty similar to an isosceles triangle and then draw the body within the triangle for example. Other shapes to look out for are the negative shapes, the shapes created by the outline of the body itself like the one between her crossed legs looks like a triangle. So does the empty space made from her crossed arms, the more simple the shape the easier it is to read but again this is just to play around with and have fun seeing what works for you. Last shapes would be the body parts. Notice the shapes of the torso, hips, arms, hands, feet, head etc… I would suggest working from bigger shapes and working your way down to the smaller shapes(as in group the fingers, toes and hair into one more simple shape and then focus on the individual fingers and their shapes after. The cool part about shapes is that when you have fun doing them your way and make sure you follow your own rules about where and why you put those shapes down, your style will begin to come together! (Don’t be worried if you don’t like your style at first I definitely didn’t like mine but now I’m leaning more into it making sure I have fun discovering what feels right AND looks cool!) 

-Confidence: this is the toughest section but trust me it’s worth it. I noticed with your lines and shadows that you have a lot of marks which could be a style defining thing if you want! However mastering the skill of confidence requires a lot of patience and skill. My best advice for this is just pretend you know what you’re doing. That’s what I’ve been doing and it tricks my body into making more confident decisions like brush strokes or when I should exaggerate my shapes etc… trust in your decisions, only you know what you think looks amazing don’t worry about what others think. Check out as many youtube artists as possible to see what fundamentals they find important because that will absolutely level your art up even more too! 

Overall looks like you’re absolutely on the right track to improving a huge amount! Keep at it🤘

