Rythm is an Archer
© 2018 Flarebrush
Wish I had marked the time on this one, think it might have been in the 2-5 min realm. Held onto this one because I think the rythm of the gesture worked out pretty well, and a fair economy of line as well.
I agree. The gesture is quite lively! Proportion is consistent with the exception of the left leg. Nice and fluid .
Thanks for taking the time to critique Krysfeyen! Proportion is definitely something I stuggle with when I'm in the thick of a timed drawing session, but I'm glad to hear that most of it came out well.
Polyvios Animations
Nicest job on your range of gesture and rhythm in your archer attitude, but I think that your current goal is totally and absolutely on the nose totally. I feel that these quickest lines are all in direst need to punching up. How would you care to go ahead with 6 mins of 30 second quickest pose warmups?
As a result of your constructive of critiques, then your storytelling poses will be drawn the most boldest but mostly powerful in your posing and staging of your animaitions, drawn or otherwise. For most info, kindly look into the 2 Walt Stanchfields, here, and the Vilppu Manual here, too. For they are all a home run waiting to happen.
Greatest lucks to you from me.
As a result of your constructive of critiques, then your storytelling poses will be drawn the most boldest but mostly powerful in your posing and staging of your animaitions, drawn or otherwise. For most info, kindly look into the 2 Walt Stanchfields, here, and the Vilppu Manual here, too. For they are all a home run waiting to happen.
Greatest lucks to you from me.
I'll definitely pay attention to my line weights in my next sessions and see if I can get better control of my values!