10m Model Study (Critique Requested)

by Bunbijou, March 5th 2025 © 2025 Bunbijou
Done as part of a 30 minute class. My current goal is: Develop my own signature drawing style (advanced)
Cloudy Dayz07
Coloring is great, and I can see the use of highlighting and shading on the drawing as well. The pose is clear and the direction of each part of the body can be seen as well. My recommendation would be to start with learning the muscles under the skin and what the bones do and where they go, this will be helpful for elbows, shoulders and knees. Once you figure out how to draw muscles, as well as learning proportions, it'd be easier to critique and change features so you can create your own style.
Proportionally the size of the body looks really well done, however I would suggest trying to have a bit more confidence in the lines you are choosing to draw. I've looked through some of your other drawings and the hands lack structure. The face, feet and hands plus the line confidence are tough but usually come with more studies! I wouldnt worry too much in a 10 minute study like this to color but the values feel very oversaturated. When it comes to artstyle try to have these artist you admire on the side of where you work and try incorporating what you enjoy seeing and have fun
You practice the elbow and the joint of the foot as it feels like they are missing bones, but the lighting is nice
Colours are nice. The lineart demonstrated here shows casualness and simplicity. Maybe spend a little more time to think things through

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