Dynamic But Charming: A Loose But Livelier Attitude

by Polyvios Animations, March 24th 2025 © 2025 Polyvios Animations
Done as part of a 1 hour and 30 minute class. My current goal is: Learn how to make my funniest drawings the most alive and motivated from within.
Hi Polyvios,

I think I recognise this big boy! Great study with loads of interest created by your unique style. Well done. As a caricature you've managed to convey to my eyes a heavy set model with attitude and movement!

I see your technique of toning the page, then removing what you don't want has worked well. The truth will always be from your perspective and sounds like you enjoyed the process of creation. 

Grounding any object that's drawn will help with adding dimension and context. You can do this with shadows that eminate from the feet in this case and are cast in the direction away from the light source. 

Lovely flow in your work.


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