I absolutely ADORE your use of color on this piece. Very vivid and adventurous.
I think my advice would be to try a background color other than pure black. Even if pure black is what it is in the actual photograph, tinting it with a color seen in the rest of the piece could help the art feel more cohesive. For example, perhaps the dark purple/brown you used for some of the peach flesh could have been used very darkly in the background to marry foreground and background.
I think my advice would be to try a background color other than pure black. Even if pure black is what it is in the actual photograph, tinting it with a color seen in the rest of the piece could help the art feel more cohesive. For example, perhaps the dark purple/brown you used for some of the peach flesh could have been used very darkly in the background to marry foreground and background.
Keep it up!!