First 30 second pose practice
© 2020 Soft Circles
Each square in the image represents a 30 second pose.
My current goal is: Correctly capture line of action for a pose.
I think what I'm currently struggling with is some of my lines of action look a little "stick-figure-y". How do I improve the dynamism of the lines?
Polyvios Animations
Excellent job with your invisible lines of action in some poses, Soft Circles, even now, here's my one very small request: Would you like to correctly practice them in 10 4 minute sketches (10x4m=40m), pretty please??? Why is that???? It's because the correctness of your L.O.A. will get to be even more stronger yet subtler in your next practice; furthermore, go for Vol. 1 of one of Walt Stanchfield's Books, please????? So that you get the best message on drawing your lines of rhythm, in your drawn animations. (if that's your focus) Appeal to that being totally supportive.
Polyvios Animations
Polyvios Animations
Here's a link to an example.