© 2021 Noobuu24
I think your main issue is your tendency to draw over the same line multiple times. Your lines end up looking scratchy and difficult to interpret. I think you would benefit from practicing recreating a pose with just a few long flowing lines. The YouTuber Proko has a series of videos on gesture drawing that really helped me with my technique. You can check it out, it might be pretty helpful.
on what you're doing well, the shoulder and hip lines you draw are pretty good, keep with that, it can be pretty helpful. You also did a very good job on capturing pose and proportions, demonstrating a pretty good understanding of the human body. Once again, you just need to be more confident with your lines!
on what you're doing well, the shoulder and hip lines you draw are pretty good, keep with that, it can be pretty helpful. You also did a very good job on capturing pose and proportions, demonstrating a pretty good understanding of the human body. Once again, you just need to be more confident with your lines!
I really don't care for how harier the lines and shapes are in your gestural doodles. Would you please lighten, enlarge and lengthen the graphic shapes and edges with 30 minutes of 2 minute poses? (15 drawings)
The dialectics behind this idea is because, it can, shall and will be able to be that most boldest and ruthless with your line quality and economy in your quickest of sketches. If you really wanna know even most about the gesture in lines of action, be sure to check out our links here on this website.
Good luck to you and your goal.