Greater work on your fluidity of lines and some great length on lines, Makoten, way to go and kindly lengthen up the lines and keep on enlargening them. We're all rooting for you.
And if you wanna know and see more, be sure to check out this link to [url=Understanding Caricature: An Artist's Practical Guide to Creating Portraits with Personality https:/]this book on caricature here[/url], though I haven't yet read this book, so please take this suggestion with a grain of salt. My estimation that caricatures lend themselves to gesture drawing. Good luck.
And if you wanna know and see more, be sure to check out this link to [url=Understanding Caricature: An Artist's Practical Guide to Creating Portraits with Personality https:/]this book on caricature here[/url], though I haven't yet read this book, so please take this suggestion with a grain of salt. My estimation that caricatures lend themselves to gesture drawing. Good luck.
Understanding Caricature