Nicer job on your range of gestures, actions, acting, motions, and movements on your 30 second sketch, except it's 29 seconds long. Please keep up the really great work. Yet, I'm still not getting enough of the really loose, lively,light, long, and large lines of action and rhythm yet. Would you kindly free up your non-dominant hand with 2 hours 30 minutes of 28 second really scribbly pose drawings? (7200+1800=9000/28s=about 321 really scribbly scribbles) The reason why is because you can and will be able to know your own strengths and weaknesses in terms of quick sketching and gesture drawing, and how you could and should be able to process visual information in a pursuit of artistic curiosity. For really further inspiration, look at these three videos down here.👇
These can help you. They can totally inform and influence you. So my hat's off to you.