10-minute male figure study

by Moon Sun, July 17th 2023 © 2023 Moon Sun
This was the 10-minute drawing in my first independent class that I took on this website. I do not usually study male anatomy, so it was really fun and exciting to do something outside my comfort zone. Let me know any suggestions on how to improve my studies!
Polyvios Animations
Hi, Moon.

Greatest job on your range of movement and anatomy of your nudest figure, but I think you surely can draw your figures the most expressively as well as your faces and expressions, but I feel that these lines are farthest too rigidest on your figure studies. Why don't you please loosen up your figure forces with 2 5 minute poses, with blind contour forms?

As a result, your right and left brains will become the least stilted and the most spontaneous, vitaliest and energetic. For most info, please look into some books by Betty Edwards, Drawing on the Artist Within, and Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, 4th Definitive Edition.

Hope these have been most totally helpful but encouraging.
the contrast between the intensity of some sections of line work and the softer, rounder shading work well for drawing the eye to certain areas. the face, for example, in this sketch. feels very clean in a way, while still feeling sketchy. i noticed that one area in particular, the torso region, is a bit stiffer than the arms and legs. since i haven't seen the reference, maybe it is actually accurate, but the cross drawn with entirely straight lines makes me think that you approached it differently than the extremities. that upper right arm is my favorite area.
very nice line of actions, I like the feels overall. I think the proportion is a little wanky so maybe you could focus on that and it will be amazing

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