09/01/2024 - 1 hour class - Facial Expression

by Pepsters, January 9th 2024 © 2024 Pepsters

Done as part of a 1 hour class.

My current goal is: Reduce stiffness and make my drawings feel more dynamic, energetic, fluid

Polyvios Animations

Hello and good morning, Pepsters, and welcome back, my name is Polyvios Animations, and how are you? You know, greater works on your looseness on your shorter faces, but greater works on your relationships, spaces, edges, and more importantly, tones and the gestalt. Please keep on pushing yourself farther. Thank you.

Ben1771 (unregistered visitor)

Have a beautiful good morning sir i m ben from india and i want to study about all draw sketch i did not hot to make faces and eyes nose etc. i need some help i think full help please teach me and make my fugure bright in the artist life


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