30 min practice

by Rashuneagle, June 26th 2024 © 2024 Rashuneagle

Done as part of a practice session with poses of 30 minutes in length.

My current goal is: Fundamentals. I want to improve my observational drawing skills. Also I want to improve my rendering of highlights, shadows and patterns.

Polyvios Animations

Hello again, Eagle.

I really, very think you're getting to be your greatest in terms of your values and your figureness of the figure, but I feel that the gestures and edges quality still need some most loosening but with lightening up but with largest lines. How would you please care to invest in the biggest ream of tabloid paper from Staples or some other related office supply store, all just to work on the hugest paper to draw biggest?

The reason why is because of two things: First off, to help yourself use your arms the most, but second, to help you think the biggest in terms of the most pointed therefore sharpest lines. So for most all details, please just look into Fun With A Pencil by Andrew Loomis and more from Andrew. My hat's off to you!


I really like the shading it conveys form quite nicely. Proportions would need some work, I notice the torso area is longer than it should. It helps a lot putting landmarks such as skull ribcage and pelvis first and then build from there. Overall a very well done job!

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