Day 2 - July 6th, 2024
© 2024 Crow Teethh
Another 30 min class session. My 30 secs and 1 min ones improved a lot in readability! I feel like the 5 min/10 min ones got worse though, not sure why.
I'm having a rough IRL situation today, so I'm not too worried about improving or learning much. I'll get back into my groove tomorrow.
Ticking Away
Looks good to me, just keep going! the 10 min one looks really on point.
Polyvios Animations
Hello, Crow, and welcome to LOA! I'm Polyvios, and I'm doing great and how are you?
Great job on your forces, gestures, and edges, but your 5 minute pose, your caricature is definitely on point. Thanks!
Great job on your forces, gestures, and edges, but your 5 minute pose, your caricature is definitely on point. Thanks!