Mensajes en el foro por Kim

  • Autor
  • #2522


    Hi there! What are your practice goals for these?



    I think your 30 second sketches are excellent for a first shot at that length of time. You're clearly paying attention to the point of the exercise. Also: these sketches are noticeably less stiff than your last batch! Keep at it!

    (I will see if I can reproduce the Nan:Nan bug you encountered and fix it. ;) )



    Okay great, that helps a lot, and I think you're generally on a good track. :)

    I'd suggest adding a step to your underwork -- and this should be the very first thing you do, before you even put the major shape bubbles in place. Decide on and record with a single pencil stroke the "action line/line of action" Here's some examples of what that means with human poses, but it's the same concept with animals. Then put your shapes on top of that line of action, letting the curve of the line influence where your major shapes go. This can help to unstiffen your poses considerably.

    To get you into this concept, I'd also suggest that you do some warmups with much much shorter poses, max 2 minutes but I'd encourage you to even try 30 seconds or less, with your focus primarily (maybe only!) on capturing that action line, following this practice philosophy: before you try your 30 minute poses again. (The class modes on this site are built for exactly this kind of practice, if you want to take advantage of them!)

    A lot of times stiffness is an indicator of concern about getting your drawing "wrong," whereas the impression of fluid motion comes from, well, allowing more fluidity in your technique.

    Hope this helps! Definitely show us your next batch of practice sketches!



    Hey, welcome to the site! Posting from your Instagram is totally fine. :)

    Some questions for you: how do you begin your sketches? What does your under-work look like? And what length of time did you use to create the above images? :)



    Hey Supormenbooya - I'm the programmer for LoA. I think your suggestion is an interesting one. I'll add it to my list to look into for future updates! :)

    P.S. I moved this back to the support and suggestions topic since it looks like moving it was a miscommunication. :)



    Hi mattilouwho,

    I started on an "environments" drawing tool ages ago, and will likely return to building that in the near future. I don't know that we'll do a whole "plant life" specific tool, but a very popular request over the years has been still life and maybe plants could be a category within such a tool?



    Please contact us directly and we'll discuss it. :)



    Hi betsyjp,

    That's a PDF that people who join our mailing list get. You can join our mailing list on our homepage if you like:

    As soon as you confirm wanting to be on the mailing list, you're emailed the PDF of the pencil weight workbook for download and print. :)

    It's entirely optional to join the mailing list.



    TDG, can you please tell me what kind of tablet you have and which browser you use on it?



    Okay, I have new pause button/next button code out just now. The pause button should no longer break if you use the "next" button while paused.

    In addition, the next button now works in the following way in class mode: If you are more than halfway through the time you've been allotted to draw an image and use the "next" button, the tools will assume you've finished early and move you to the next pose in the class. But, if you're LESS than halfway through the image's time, it will assume you just didn't care for the image you were assigned for that segment and change JUST the image, without advancing the class segment. Hopefully this is a better balancing of competing concerns and makes more people happy. :)

    I've also slipped a test version of the code that's meant to stop mobile devices from going to sleep while you're drawing into that patch.



    Aha! Okay, that information was essential. I can see it now. Thank you! Adding it to the list of known issues and will see what I can do. :)



    Interesting. So far I'm unable to reproduce your issue with the pause button not pausing. When you click it, what happens? Nothing at all? Or does the pause button turn into a softly pulsing play button?



    A patch just went live that intends to fix the ios resizing bug; this solved it on my own ipad. Please confirm that it works for yours too! :)



    A patch just went live that intends to fix the ios resizing bug; this solved it on my own ipad. Please confirm that it works for yours too! :)



    New patch released; post updated.