Mensajes en el foro por Kim

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  • #37622

    Site Admin
    If you turn them off, does it work as intended?

    Site Admin
    I need more info. Does the timer not move? Does the timer not appear at all? Are there buttons? Do the buttons work at all to advance things? Does it seem to think it's working but the image never refreshes despite the timer moving along?

    Site Admin
    Okay, next theory: What file TYPE are you uploading?

    In flailing about to figure out what's wrong, I updated how errors are reporting, so it may maybe give you more info on your next try too.

    Site Admin
    Hi! I'd love classes with images all the same length of time.

    For example, a 30-minute class where I can draw each pose for 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 30 seconds, etc.

    This is definitely in the works! :D

    Site Admin
    Draped fabric is a category we do have and you can filter by! :) But -- I think you and I are on a similar wave length.

    Site Admin
    Frustratingly, I'm not able to reproduce the error this time. It is obstinately working fine for me. Can I ask what the file size of the photo you're trying to upload is?

    Site Admin
    Well, darn. I'll look into it again, though I don't think I will be able to do it today. Hopefully I can circle back with another update tomorrow though. :)

    Site Admin
    I know this must be so frustrating and disheartening, and I'm sorry you're going through it.

    To a small extent, a little bit of regressing in the learning process is normal. The extent that you seem to be describing sounds pushes into the territory of a disorder or medical issue. I don't know that the general advice this forum can provide will be able to help you in a way you're satisfied with. This may be something that requires medical attention (which I recognize is very hard/lengthy/traumatizing/expensive to access in a lot of places.)

    Unfortunately, "those skills will build over time the more you do them!" and "Take notes, record timelapses, etc" are the advice that the art community is largely going to be able to provide you with.

    Site Admin
    At the moment, it just keeps showing you images until you stop it.

    Site Admin
    Hi there! I may have this sorted, can you try again now and let me know how it works for you? :)

    Site Admin
    It definitely sounds like a problem on our end! Lemme see what I can track down on Monday. Thank you so much for the report.

    Site Admin
    Just jumping in to help, I think this is the direct link to the post Aunt Herbert was talking about above! :)

    Site Admin
    Just a heads up, those are links to ibb website pages. They can't be embedded. You need to put the link directly to the image file to use the img tag and have them embedded. These links would end with .png, .jpg, .gif or .webp. For example:

    Which looks like this in the img tag:

    1 1

    Site Admin
    JO NI wrote:
    having an option to choose foreshortened references only.

    Ooh, I have good news about that request!


    Site Admin
    From this small sample, it looks to me like you construct your animals using more circles and your humans with more stick skeletons, but it's pretty hard to tell based on just this!