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Aunt Herbert
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August 1, 2021 1:48am #27463This is my third "class" in line of action and my first 1-hour class (all my other ones were 30 minutes). I would love some feedback, thank you :) 1, 2021 2:53pm #27465Say! You must REALLY, totally know where you're going, Zviko. I think you're very functional in your step by step drawing. I really feel like that you're on the right track, and you may and might need a little more practice. I just completely and totally love your second and third steps on your 1 hour class' 25 minute pose.
My biggest criticism or issue is that some of the lines in the first ever step is a bit farther too timidest, shakiest and wiggliest in the graphic shapes and negative spaces. Would you please be the most boldest and ruthless and smoothest with a 29 minute and 59 second pose on custom timer for your figure drawing, in pure contour mode?? (1799 seconds) The reason is because, I feel that you'd be able to draw what you're really seeing, rather that what you think you're really, really seeing. More details, look up the Betty Edwards books on Kindle, Audible and physical books. Cheers to your goal and I hope these books help.August 2, 2021 3:28am #27466Thank you so much, I've been trying to stick to the process of making it instead of skipping steps. I was wondering though I see a lot of people's figure drawings looking like this and they seem to skip steps in the process, so I was wondering If I should try to do that or that'll just come with time.
I completely agree with your criticism! I don't know why, but I'm not that confident in drawing circles and I'm constantly looking back and forth between my drawing and reference as I'm drawing it to see if I'm doing it right. Should I just focus on the reference and then focus on my drawing when I'm drawing it, rather than looking back and forth as I'm drawing? I'll definitely check those books out, thank you so much!!August 3, 2021 2:45am #27467Hey there my man, if you wanna some more practical tips I strongly recommend looking Proko guides on gesture drawing, i'm saying this cuz they helped me alot.August 3, 2021 3:36am #27468I would, if i were you, focus more on the shorter timed drawings for now. You're going on the right direction, but the longer the drawing, the more you focus on the details, the less you get a strong, fluid gesture.
But since you aimed for the longe one, you should consider the volume of the major parts, not just the countour, also the form, like her hips are more round and larger than that. I bilieve this model is that pretty blonde one with the kinda yellowsh skin and her waist is not so narrow even in this particular pose. Try thinking where the sacron would be, knowing that in this pose, its point would be touching the ground and then you'll get much more of a grasp on how to position the pelvis in general. For the volume, the second pics is more acurrate than the last.
You're giving a lot of time to practice even in just one drawing, which is very cool, shows youre on the right way. If i were you, would go to the 30 secs and 2 mins gesture drawing, then after a while (a month or so) go back and try again a longer drawing.
Cheers my broAugust 3, 2021 6:26pm #27469I am not 100% certain, but I think you are drawing on a pad, and aren't quite used to/ comfortable with how it feels, yet? Straight lines seem to work OK, but you probably should also spend some practice time just drawing circles, ovals and curves. Like, put 3 points down and try to find a smooth oval that connects them. Or just draw two lines, then fill the space in between with a row of ovals, that exactly touch each other and both of the lines. It's boring and frustrating, but it helps with manual dexterity, and if you fill an entire page, it actually produces decorative patterns.
You do follow a methodical approach towards figure drawing, which is actually good, but the resulting lines and the 25 minute time both give the impression, that something intimidates you. Just drawing a lot, and then after a session sorting through the results and enjoying the best ones might help, but if you draw digitally, that means off course, that you have to save all your results until the end of the session for comparison. The reason why I mention the 25 minutes is, that if you cut down the time per attempt, you will probably learn more atm. I think 2 30 minute classes would be more useful for now than the 1 hour class.
Your end result isn't that bad. One more line for the neck, to connect the head with the shoulders would have given the upper torso more logic. Obviously on the model, the neck was obscured by the hair, but the neckline would have been very close to were you indicated the outline of the hair.
The belly is actually better on the second layer than the third, you didn't trust the construction here, and fell back on falsely "correcting" old habits into the draft.
The way the arm connects to the ribcage indicates that you missed the shoulder joint a bit. It is somewhat independent of the ribcage, and not just a point in space, but an actual object, which can be shortcut as a fistsized ball.
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