5-10 Minute Figure Gestures

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Squiidu 2 years ago.

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  • #28695
    Hi there! Here are 5-10 minute gesture studies from the past couple of days. Some feedback would be greatly appreciated <3






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    • Squiidu edited this post on July 7, 2022 4:55pm.
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    Your figure drawings look so clean and you seem to capture the gesture and overall proportions well. This is just my opinion but I think you can improve by drawing some of the anatomy and studying anatomy. The pointy part of the delta can be used to indicate the perspective of the arm and the ab muscles/fat can be used to indicate the perspective of the torso. The quads for the legs. It's just a way of indicating the structure differently and more realtistically but you have a very clean, simplified way of drawing the gestures that is very appealing to look at and is fine the way it is in my opinion.
    1 1
    I really love how fluid and curvy your lines are! Like Alcyonair said, I think studying anatomy could help, even tracing over the lines of muscles in photos of people to get used to drawing them in different ways.
    Thank you for the feedback Alcyonair, I really appreciate it!! You're right about studying anatomy more closely, I've been kind of slacking on that this summer. The examples of how those muscles add that perspective are super helpful
    I'm glad you think my lines are fluid! It's something I've been trying to improve since September. Thank you for the advice Funkle! I'll try out that tip :)

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