gesture drawings - critique?

Home Forums Critique gesture drawings - critique?

This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by Polyvios Animations 8 months ago.

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  • #28895
    stuff I did today ^^

    i don't have a very good grasp on gesture drawing and I'd really appreciate some critique to steer me in the right direction :)
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    These are lovely! This is very effective practice with the loose inclusion of shadow mapping. Your next step might be anatomy practice. I am looking at particularly your ankles. The proportions are nice but you don’t want loose work to become lazy. I recemend a book morpho anatomy for artists about 22$ or you can go on the you tube channel “the drawing database” for a college level course for free. I am currently doing it myself.
    I agree with Cave Paint, you should work on adding more detail to the ankles and feet.

    I am not sure what you are asking but I will try. Gesture drawing is loose, it's about the movement or basic form of the figure. It helps to practice body proportions until you just have it down by memory. You can either use just lines, do contour drawings or use the side of the pencil or charcoal to add value. I don't have a full membership so I can't post anything but you can find great tutorials on youtube and great examples on the net.

    I need serious critiques on my gestures
    I am not entirely sure what it is that you want, but I will do my best to respond. The line work in a gesture drawing is very loose, and the focus is on the movement or fundamental form of the figure. It is beneficial to practice changing your body proportions until you can do so by memory alone. To add value, you could just use lines, you could perform contour drawings, or you could use the side of the pencil or some charcoal. Since I do not have a full membership, I am unable to submit anything; but, if you search the internet and look on YouTube, you will find many helpful tutorials and examples. basketball stars
    Hello and welcome again, Serarichu. I'm Polyvios Animations. How are you doing today? Say, I have just clicked into your Imgur link, but it's dead. Please repost your study on Imgur again or another image sharing post? So that I could get to see your drawing a little bit better. Good luck to you!

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