Gesture drawings: day 2

Home Forums Critique Gesture drawings: day 2

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Drunkenelf 1 year ago.

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    Any critiques you have are appreciated, shortest were 30 seconds and longest was 10 minutes. I wanted to know if I'm on the right path and what I could improve on in my next practice/ if I should focus on anything specifically. Sorry if that's vague

    gestures (google drive)

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    Hello, Drawingbrocolli, and welcome to Line of Action! I'm Polyvios Animations, and how are you doing tonight? Say, great job on your movements, silhouettes, relationships, constructed forms, and of course the wholes. Way to go on your magnificent works, but I'm concerned on your sincere lack of fluidity of the (anime) animator's line yet. How would you like to please try out 10 minutes of 2 minute poses, all from your non-dominant hand?

    The reason why you could and should draw out really fast is because of two or more things:

    First of all, to get less involved on the details, but more into the broader gestures and poses of the ideas and energies. Second of all, to make your drawings the least stiffer but more fluidest. For most info, please look into a copy of the Vilppu Drawing Manual PDF right Here???

    Good luck to you, and thank you.


    Its a vague thing to ask! But we try our best!

    First off, I can tell that you draw allready. Your lines are very deliberate and I can sense you are clearly already following some artistic advice from other tutorials. But I see your greatest weakness are the really short gesture drawings.

    These are the most difficult to get right of course. Its why we do a lot of them. I reccoment doing those short sessions longer until you consistantly get a good quick gesture of the whole body and not just the chest and spine and pelvis.

    One think that I think you are getting wrong is how you implement the two circles for the torso. Im usually a little hesitant to say "wrong", because if its a technique that works than who am I to correct it? But I think it helps to understand what you are using those circles for. Typically, the upper circle is supposed to represent the ribcage, be roughly an egg shape and stand upright in the body. You tend to use it to depict the upper chest and sometimes the shoulders. Now that "sometimes" is the very reason I want to call it out because that inconsistency is going to confuse your eyes and slow you down, because you change your own rules every time you go back to draw more of the upper chest.

    Your shoulders move, your ribcage doesn't, its why you should consider a different shorthand for the upper body. I highly reccomend practicing the BEAN technique.

    I always eventually reccomend it to begginners. Just practicing it helped me understand the torso so much. Its not the perfect way to depict a torso every time, but for a beginner, its a perfect first step in understanding how to interpret the ribcage and pelvis bone. I reccomend a few sessions of just drawing the bean for several figures, just to really understand how it works.

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