Good morning, Stiven, and nicest job on your range of gestures and action of your lines of your figures. I think that these poses are positively, absolutely on the rightest track, but I feel that these are all feeling even most expressive to me.
Your only one link is working fine, but the last one seems to have a 404 page error page. Please fix it up, so that we can see it all clearly. As a result, you won't be able to have another 404 error, like last time.
I really and totally feel that these poses seem a bit too much rigidest to me. Why don't you please loosen up your range of lines of action and rhythm with our interactive drawing tutorial?
The reason why you could and should loosen up your hands by taking our drawing tutorial is because, you can, shall, and will be able to free up your gesture drawing fundamentals by starting with the quickest warmups, then ending with the slowest but longer drawings done in 2-5 minutes as a way to sculpt out the shapes in the figures. If you're the most curious about gesture drawing for animation and cartooning and art in general, please look into the free PDFs of the Walt Stanchfield books here, and HERE!
Good luck to you from me.