This past week, I took a slight diversion from working on the objects & still life tool to do some general fixes and upgrades to the study tools in general. The main change is that Doodlers and up will now have an opportunity to review the images that they studied at the end of a practice session. It's so nice to make this much-requested feature happen!
Even with that other work going on, I did still manage a few photos for the objects & still life tools. I stopped by my local farmer's market and picked up a bag of peaches and some small sunflowers, and created some scenes like these:
I'm not 100% happy with the way the focus was set on some of these, but I decided that mediocre photos are better than no photos at this infant stage of the tool. The ones with softer focus will be removed eventually, as we get a wider selection of images. I am still finding my sea-legs on photographing these smaller items.