November 26, 2020 3:12am #26432Absolutely brilliant sketches of figures, felinel, they're absolutely great.
But I've got one small, tiny. little request: I love how the big strokes are being felt there, but why don't you please unshackle them in 31 minutes of 30 second poses?? And why???? Because, it'll make your much broader strokes become even more forceful and sincere in attitudes.
Hope this piece of advice is definitely salutary.November 25, 2020 4:36am #26427I love those quick poses, HelpMeFriends, I think you've really gotten the message of that exercise. Quick sketching is not about how beautiful your sketch is, it's how fast you can put it out with as few lines as possible.
If I was to give you 2 suggestions, then they would be:
1- Work more from your shoulder and lesser from your wrist.
2- could you please do 30 minutes of 30 second life drawings from here and the rest of the Web?
The reasons why is because: a) you'll not be able to spend as much time on the details, still, you can get to be more faster and economic with your line quality. b) Your gestural poses will become even more funnier and most caricatured in motion.
I hope they've been completely and totally propitious.November 21, 2020 6:06am #26408Love how you understand your back anatomy, that's extraordinary.
If I can suggest you a recommendation, then it would be to sketch out the same backs, only in 27 minutes of 30 second poses, please? The reason why is because, your backshots will be even most cartooniest and expressive in gestures and poses.
Hope it's been completely brave.November 19, 2020 11:17pm #26402Very perfect class drawings, laitochris. I really love your gestures, and your very light lines and touches. So, I've got one small recommendation: if you're new to this website, then why don't you please check out using this drawing tool??
So, they could give you a really bigger boost up in your spontaneity, if you are a beginner or an expert.
Hope it's been completely and totally valuable to your current goal.November 19, 2020 5:35am #26397Great work on your first attempts, lafie-safie, that's a very excellent start!
I'd like to ask you one question today: What is your current goal? The reason why is as a result, you and I would know what you want to achieve.
Hope it's been completely and utterly useful.November 18, 2020 5:17am #26395Nice job on your first-ever attempt at Force, trex_junior, very beautiful job.
Now, if I would, if I could help you out one something with your study, it would be these three--even if I'm not really an expert on figure studies (I'm sure)but I'll try and do it.
1) Yes, this drawing looks like you've been applying the Force properly, in terms of the gestures.
2) I see your line weights look just as fine to me, but why don't you please vary the line weights, in 15 minutes of 30 second figures, from the Force book?
3) Love where your are going for - or tried to go for- in your figural shading. However, nice try, but the figure doesn't look and feel like it's shaded strongly yet. Could you please go check this out here.
The reason is because: a) you'll improve fairly quickly and effectively in your quick sketches in your loose frameworks. b) you'll be a lot more strongest in your line thicknesses, if you go for a softer pencil, like a 4b pencil. c) You'll really get closer to what you want and need to aim for in your sketching.
Hope they've been completely and totally useful in advance.November 13, 2020 1:43am #26313Nice practice performance, marisa, on your first ever posts of drawings. That's a great job!
If I was to recommend you on something like your figures is this post, then it would be to focus on the forces and forms, in 5 1-minute poses, please?
And do you know why?? Because, if your goal was to understand sensitivity into human proportions, then you can, shall, and will go for it.
Hope it's been completely and absolutely what the doctor ordered.November 12, 2020 4:39am #26307I absolutely love all of those sketches you've put out, Goshgoo, that's very excellent! Greater potential.
If I was to give you some constructive critisim, I'd really recommend on improve your flow, dynamics and liveliness in 27 minutes of 30 second sketches of figure drawings, pretty please?????
The reason why is because, your traditionally hand-drawn forces will become the most vitalest and cartooniest and funniest. Say, I'd recommend looking up some animations of Disney Animators, Fred Moore and Bill Tytla, on Google or DuckDuckGo.
Hope it's been completely and totally salutary.November 8, 2020 3:26am #26299Excellent promise in your figure shading/rendering, acharbonnet, but I've got one small idea: Take a look at this link to this book!
The reason why you could, would, and should look at this book is as a result, you might some concrete advice on light and shadow drawing fundamentals. If you ever need this, buy it or rent it now!
Hope it's been completely and positively helpful and useful.November 4, 2020 2:48am #26288Vcuubed, that's a very good job you've got on these sketches you've got there. So, if I was to give you some improvement here and there, it would be to focus on the silhouete and the lines of action and rhythm, in some 90 second poses, pretty please? The reasons why are because, a) you'll get a much better idea on the overall gestures and poses. and b) you would be able to push the poses far beyond their usual limits in their forces and forms.
Hope it's been completely, definitely, and absolutely usable.
P.S. Go for 10 10-second hands and feet. They help, too.November 2, 2020 2:13am #26283That is very good job on your first tries, yotastrejos. If I was to give you something to improve, then it would be this image below:
Nice drawing you've got in this pose, and a really great idea, too. I feel a little bit of stiffness in the body. Why don't you push that pose even more here? The reason is because, you will make you attitiude more stronger and ambitious in your landmarks.
Furthermore, your landmarks are getting in there. But why don't you just free them up, in a 4 minute (240 second) figure? The reason why you should and could do this idea is because, your life poses will become even more looser and appealing to do so.
Hope it's been completely and absolutely operative.1-
Polyvios Animations edited this post on November 1, 2020 11:23pm. Reason: image?
Polyvios Animations edited this post on November 1, 2020 11:24pm. Reason: image.
October 26, 2020 2:16am #26266Nice work on the first 2 minute sketch, artsyrm, that's very greater.-Actually, you've done lots and lots of figure sketches, greater job too!!
If I was to give you something to improve on, then I would please make the gesture the stongest on that first 2 minute sketch, done in 60 seconds. The reason why is because, it'll make you lines more and more economical, while at the same time, your drawing will be less and less stiffer, and more and more dynamic, energetic and fluider. For more information, look up the Ben Caldwell books, Action! Cartooning, and Fantasy Cartooning. So, they'll help you improve the skill you could use for your storyboards and designs.
Hope it's been completely and absolutely accommodating.
P.S. Practice makes possible. And possible makes perfect.October 17, 2020 4:38am #26250Nice job on your post, Siwead, that's very good. According to what I've seen there, then you're on the right start. If I was critiquing constructively, then you shouldn't erase your lines too much, in you next drawing, in 180 seconds. And do you know why?? As a result, your forces and edges will become even more boldest in strokes.
Hope it's been totally beneficial, cheers.1 1October 4, 2020 4:54am #26224October 4, 2020 4:52am #26223 -