Nov 9 2024 30 minutes
© 2024 Brilicol
Tired in a Tree
I think it's great that you draw these confident lines. I think maybe it'd help you out if you pushed a little less hard on the pencil - like, keep the confidence in your strokes, but also give your pencil just a bit of leeway to smoothen up those curves.
Thank you! I will keep that in mind and try it out! Yes I used a diff mechanical pencil that day and I kept breaking and driving me mad 😭😂 but I do struggle to keep my lines consistent as well so trying to be more conscious. Thank you!!!
These are good! I love the shape language used! I'd love for you to try loosening up your poses next time? Unless that's what you like doing <3
thank you! yes it does feel kind of stiff sometimes but i don't know if that's because i still struggle to feel comfortable drawing bodies. i'm not sure how to loosen it up other than to practice more and more consistently. I've been working on drawing more consistent lines instead of sketchy ones but that's a work in progress as well. Thank you for your feedback i will keep it in mind!