Mensajes en el foro por Kim

  • Autor
  • #27792


    You can't drag files from your computer into the forums here. You'll need to put it up on an image hosting site like imgur, or put it in your sketchbook:



    My pleasure. The link lives on the home page, beneath the "scenes and environment drawing" block. It's a big teal rectangle that reads "New here? Learn how to make use of these tools to become a better artist."

    You certainly don't always have to use class mode, of course, and can pick whatever interval makes the most sense for the one particular exercise you DO have time for. :) I know I do.

    I went ahead and made finding the tutorial more "in your face" for users who haven't yet unlocked the "completed tutorial" achievement as well, so hopefully more people find it when they are new. I know for a fact you aren't the only one who missed it initially!



    Hi there! I'd definitely start by going through the tutorial. Just hit the "get drawing" button on this page to be walked through:

    It should take you about 15 minutes, and I think you'll find yourself much less panicky when faced with short intervals for warmups. :)



    Hi NORkaky,

    Were you trying to link to images that are stored directly on your own computer?

    Please don't give out passwords to anyone for any reason! It is not safe. I am sure we can figure out how to post without resorting to that :)



    Oh geez, that does sound annoying. Unfortunately, I can tell you right now, there's nothing I can do to address this. This website does not have a single line of code relating to audio channels in it.

    If this is indeed not a coincidence, my guess would be something to do with memory or the like, but it also shouldn't be using very much of that.



    I don't, but it's a great idea. I'm jotting it down for future photo shoots :)



    You are absolutely fine! Upload as many images as you would like :)



    Hi Zack,

    What browser/version and device are you using to view the site? :)



    Hi Aunt Herbert!

    Are you talking about this page?

    The link is on the homepage, if you scroll to the bottom and click "More Artwork"

    The ones that have little brain icons next to them are the ones that were submitted for critique.



    I apologize, we've been having some crashing issues with our hosting today! I've tried rebooting, we'll see if that helps anything.



    That's extremely bizarre. Can you tell me what browser you're using? Do you utilize any browser plugins?



    Fixed! :)



    I just did some poking around; I can see your time was, in fact, recorded! However, what's being shown on your studio page is probably this message:

    "Upgrade your account to track your practice time and ensure you're sticking to your goals."

    Although the drawing tools themselves are free for everyone to use, we ask that members who want to use tools like tracking their daily drawing time support us starting from $1.49 a month. This helps us continue to be able to offer the basic drawing tools to the world for free. :)

    As for your suggestion about adding a limit to the same-length sessions, I'll definitely look into that. I'll also mention that at out top support tier ($14.99/month) you can design your own class sessions of any length with any combination of pose lengths and breaks, so one of the things you could design would be 30 minutes with every pose set to 30 seconds. :)



    And it seems for all that I don't even get the cheap endorphine kick of counting this time for practice time on my profile, as I had to break off the session manually.

    I'm confused by this! You should have received credit for all the time you spent working on it, regardless of how you ended it. If not, you may be experiencing a bug.



    Sorry to hear this happened to you Puijila! I'm refunding both charges for you immediately.