Site Admin
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS. I tell people this all the time but they rarely believe me :D
Site Admin
It's very hard to know if this is user error or no, although it does sound like pause was triggered one way or another! I haven't had other reports of pausing issues, so I'm inclined to think it is at least not on our end. I'm glad simply unpausing seemed to be a solution for you, though I totally understand that it was frustrating to have ot.
Site Admin
Hey there! If you have a doodler/full membership, you can select only poses that include props to get hands holding things :)
Site Admin
This is not a feature we have right now, but I'll add it to my list of things to look into adding! :)
Site Admin
I have changed faces & expressions and animal drawing to utilize checkboxes. You can of course skip making any selections to default to "all" :) Enjoy!
Site Admin
Thanks for that! Let me see if I can find a fix for you :)
Site Admin
Hi Starberry - Do you get any form of error message?
Site Admin
Let me see what I can do! :)
Site Admin
Stay tuned for a still life tool coming this year, which will inevitably include some flowers. :)
Site Admin
Can I see the results of this poll?
Site Admin
Hi Poly,
I can't help you evade a block by carrying messages to a person that blocked you. A block is a demonstration of a firm boundary, and trying to get around it is a violation of that boundary, even if you or I might feel that the boundary was on the punitive side. I'm sure they don't hate you, but I know some people have trouble understanding you and become frustrated. I'm sorry you feel badly and I hope you're able to not worry about it too much.
Site Admin
Ah, yes, someone just uploaded a large amount of images all at once, they may have blocked you. :( I'm sorry about that Poly! Love you too.
Site Admin
Hi Poly,
Can you link me to one of these blank pages so I can investigate?
Site Admin
Yes, if by "copied" you mean "referenced" drawings :)