Mensajes en el foro por Kim

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  • #28896


    Sorry to pour some cold water on this... The staff here has a ton of experience in moderating Reddit subs, and have no interest in going that route again. The thing about Reddit that has interacted spectacularly with our mental health over the years is that Reddit is not just one website with a closed forum, it's a website with millions of open forums that everyone interacts with interchangeably -- it's more common for people to not know the rules of each individual forum that they interact with. You get a LOT of gross and inappropriate misbehavior, ESPECIALLY when nude models come into play, and it's nearly impossible to maintain a healthy community culture. Femme-presenting Reddit mods of active subs are subjected to death and SA and other threats on the daily when they remove people for violating sub rules, and we just can't go through that again.

    If you want critique on Reddit, you can already get critique on Reddit, but we don't feel that taking LoA-specific discussion off-site isn't going to help with discussion speed here in the way that, say, finally building an app might.



    Sorry, but I think you need to try again to post up that image.



    Hi there! I know which photo you're talking about, and I also know it's one of the ones that we are specifically prohibited from including in any form of searchable directory by the photographer who provided it (ie iunder almost every circumstance, the only way we can show it to you is randomly.)

    If you had a full subscription you could create a playlist of your favorite images, but that sounds like overkill for finding just the one image.

    If you get tired flicking through our images, you may be able to track it down in the original photographer's own directory:



    Right now I don't have specific plans for languages beyond these initial 8, but we could potentially add a Greek version (or Russian, or Basque, or Hindi, or Italian, or any other language) in future. If there appears to be enough interest and people who are able to help with the translation.



    Potentially! I can only have so many languages open at one time in poeditor, but once another wraps up perhaps I can take it off of poeditor and replace with Portuguese :)



    I just went through and caught up with all the questions over in poeditor. I'm so grateful for all the help and interest.



    DUTCH IS LIVE! :D :D :D 🎉



    Does that mean that fixed it?



    Can you please do a hard refresh on the drawing tool page? In most windows browsers, this is accomplished by pressing Ctrl (Control) + Shift and R at the same time. In mac browsers, it's most commonly done with cmd, shift and R.



    I've answered this a couple times for people via messages, so I thought I'd drop here: In languages that have a formal and informal, we are using informal. We are trying to sound friendly and approachable most of the time, as if speaking student to student.



    The intention/ability to understand what is going to happen is usually more important than "exact" translation, definitely.



    Okay, I updated the English version to reflect that decision. It's amazing how the translation process has been steadily improving the original version of the site too.



    Actually, in looking at a lot of the error messages, I think we could remove "The" from the english version as well. It would make it more grammatically correct in most situations. So that sounds perfect.



    A topic for people who are working on translating the site into other languages to hang out and ask questions. :)

    If you are a skilled speaker of Chinese (simplified or traditional), Korean, Japanese, French or Spanish and interested in helping us to improve our translations, your help is very much welcome! You can join our translation project here:

    Unfortunately POeditor doesn't have a great system for just chatting, so I thought this would be a good spot. :)



    And it's still happening?